Quranic Arabic
In 2014 Bayyinah Institute, a leader in Arabic education, selected Austin Peace Academy to run their Qur’anic Arabic pilot program. The program places an emphasis on the purpose of learning Arabic for the sake of reading and understanding the Qur’an. Upon completion of the program, students will have a strong foundation in classical Arabic and have the tools to navigate through not only the Qur’an but other Islamic texts. This will be implemented at the lower and middle school level to develop and harness this important relationship with the Qur’an from a young age.

The primary objective is to combine quality and convenience, enabling everyone to have the ability to learn the language of the Quran Through mastery of Arabic grammar, morphology reading, and vocabulary, the course facilitates language acquisition through both active and passive engagement. Students engage Quranic vocabulary (mufradat al Quran), understand various sentence components (nahw), and dissect words and understand patterns (awzan) to gain a deeper understanding of the root meanings (sarf).
Watch the video to provide you with an overview of the program.
In Uppers School, our students take Arabic 1 credit by exam from Austin Community College for 3 college credit. They will continue Arabic college level 2 and 3 taught by Austin Community College Professor where the students will earn an additional 6 college credit hours.